The Shop is a program designed to allow me (and others) to quickly and easily build vehicles for Shadowrun according to the rules in Rigger 2. It's no longer in active development, so complain loudly if it doesn't work - and loudly enough to bug me into fixing it. :-) You can mail me at, or you can try and attract my attention on the ShadowRN list.
For those curious, I *did* build a setup package, but it's about 1.6M compared to the ~20-40k zips below... Isn't Microsoft wonderful? If you really want it badly, you can download it at the bottom of the page. I've updated the package to v1.3.3, but it gets updated infrequently. If you really want to do the full install (or if you don't have all the needed DLL files), just do the full install and then unzip the latest version over top of it.
David Taylor typed in almost all of the chassis and engine data, just to shame me into finishing the modification stuff. :-) David typed in everything exactly as Rigger 2 had it, and I've corrected a few things that were misprinted in the book (anthroforms having no power plant, APCs with a load rating of 3 or 6, etc).
The Changelog got too big, so I moved it onto its own page.
The ShadowRN mailing list is a great place to discuss SR stuff. I've compiled a bunch of vehicle mods and stuff into a ShadowRN module. To use it, just save it in the same directory you put The Shop, run The Shop, select Books/Manage and make sure that you're including the ShadowRN book.
You might also need to get the VB4 32bit runtime, the COMDLG32 OCX and/or ven2232.olb.
(To install the OCX, you'll need to save the .ocx file in your Windows\System directory, save the .exe file in your Windows directory, and run "regsvr32 c:\windows\system\comdlg32.ocx")
If you're still having trouble after downloading and installing the files above, you can download an old version of The Shop with a version 1.3.3 full install (it's about 1.6M). Just unzip the latest version of The Shop on top of it to update any necessary files and everything should work.